HeatherLWilliams: Josh Schwochow gets his foto taken by Kara Lock
HeatherLWilliams: Kara is taking a headshot of a UCDer
HeatherLWilliams: UCD Friend and STEPs developer Joe Riess
HeatherLWilliams: Joe gets soe balloons for his 40th birthday
HeatherLWilliams: some friends/colleagues come in to sing Happy Birthday to Joe
HeatherLWilliams: Ted Gies, UCDer, getting the training session set up on Day 1
HeatherLWilliams: Ted Gies, UCDer
HeatherLWilliams: Kara Lock and Chris Jasek
HeatherLWilliams: Martin Edling Andersson
HeatherLWilliams: Teresa Whitley and Sarah Tyrchniewicz, UCDers
HeatherLWilliams: TM Harover (former UCDer and missed)
HeatherLWilliams: Mike McQuilkin, UCDer
HeatherLWilliams: Ted Gies & Chris Jasek, UCDers. Getting training day up & running.
HeatherLWilliams: remote participation for tranining
HeatherLWilliams: Ted engages with the instructor
HeatherLWilliams: Chris Jasek, Ted Gies, Andrew Ferguson, Kara Lock
HeatherLWilliams: Chris Jasek, Ted Gies, Andrew Ferguson, Kara Lock
HeatherLWilliams: Chris Jasek & Ted Gies
HeatherLWilliams: Chris & Ted
HeatherLWilliams: Megameeting for remote collaboration in Accessibility Training
HeatherLWilliams: Megameeting for remote collaboration in Accessibility Training
HeatherLWilliams: Megameeting for remote collaboration in Accessibility Training
HeatherLWilliams: Megameeting for remote collaboration in Accessibility Training
HeatherLWilliams: Accessibility Instructor, Mike
HeatherLWilliams: Vasu Edala, UCDer and co-Trainer Steve
HeatherLWilliams: Chris Jasek via Megameeting
HeatherLWilliams: Joy van Baren, UCDer, visits the training room
HeatherLWilliams: Andrew Ferguson and Chris Jasek peek at Ted's monitor while using the screen reader
HeatherLWilliams: Megameeting for remote collaboration in Accessibility Training
HeatherLWilliams: Friends of UCD (Kevin Robertson & Mayuresh Sawardekar, developers) joining the training