hayley.bailey: Boring meetings cause doodles
hayley.bailey: Yummmmm
hayley.bailey: Post-It Flower
hayley.bailey: Love random parcels from Aussie :)
hayley.bailey: My @nailsinc order - shame the box is a bit smashed up :(
hayley.bailey: My current bed companion.
hayley.bailey: Jelly. Boom.
hayley.bailey: ..@essbeevee is making me buy all this. Sadness
hayley.bailey: The excitement of @essbeevee is well hidden
hayley.bailey: Menu at BTP has grown - must come back for food!
hayley.bailey: Om. Nom. Nom. Hot fudgey chocolate and a "light" read.
hayley.bailey: I still want this, 20 years later
hayley.bailey: Nom nom Pocky and Mountain Dew
hayley.bailey: Little big Mac next to big little Mac!
hayley.bailey: Worst censoring ever.
hayley.bailey: That's me sorted for the next hour and a half.
hayley.bailey: Our postie is lazy. 6 bits of junk mail all the same!
hayley.bailey: Waiting for the bus
hayley.bailey: Cabot Circus is pretty at night with the lights. Giant reindeers everywhere!
hayley.bailey: Arches
hayley.bailey: Waiting for the train
hayley.bailey: This is a medium coke - more like an xl. WTF America?
hayley.bailey: Statue of Liberty Barbie
hayley.bailey: Triangles