heyshanny: Zoe Noelle Lo Mein
heyshanny: Zoe Noelle Lo Mein
heyshanny: Zoe Noelle Lo Mein
heyshanny: Zoe Noelle Lo Mein
heyshanny: Getting kisses from her Grandmama on the way home from the kennel.
heyshanny: Leaving the kennel.
heyshanny: Zoe's first Petco visit.
heyshanny: Checking out the scale
heyshanny: Zoe weighs in at 2.5 pounds!
heyshanny: Zoe's first vet visit.
heyshanny: Zoe's first vet visit.
heyshanny: I let her explore the exam room at the vet.
heyshanny: Zoe's first vet visit.
heyshanny: Zoe's first vet visit.
heyshanny: Zoe in her crate
heyshanny: Kiki & Molly meet Zoe for the first time.
heyshanny: Kiki & Molly meet Zoe for the first time.
heyshanny: Kiki & Molly meet Zoe for the first time.
heyshanny: Kiki & Molly meet Zoe for the first time.
heyshanny: I shall claim this Bobo in the name of Zoe!
heyshanny: Zoe doing a 1 arm handstand!
heyshanny: Zoe eating dinner
heyshanny: Molly watches all the Zoe commotion from the arm of the sofa
heyshanny: Zoe's got the princess Di eyes down pat
heyshanny: Zoe's got the princess Di eyes down pat
heyshanny: Molly & Zoe
heyshanny: Zoe being held by her Aunt Sara
heyshanny: Zoe on the run, leaving Crocs in her wake
heyshanny: Zoe chillin on the fleece pug bed
heyshanny: Zoe chillin on the fleece pug bed