heymrlady: DSC07451
heymrlady: Not a little fish.
heymrlady: But this one time, I caught a GIGANTIC northern pike....
heymrlady: No, really, that bitch was like, *this* big
heymrlady: And we're like, "Heeeeere, fishy fishy fishy..."
heymrlady: And that [expletive expletive son of a {expletive}] broke the line and took off RIGHT when we were pulling it on the boat.
heymrlady: Trying to measure exactly how far back I was going to make him row while I sat there and took pictures of him. Rowing.
heymrlady: Its karate couldn't match his kung fu.
heymrlady: Gosh. @busydadblog caught you a delicious bass. #wannaplayhim?