heylownine: Portland
heylownine: From the Hawthorne Bridge
heylownine: Eyes on the road
heylownine: Portland!
heylownine: I have no idea how this happened.
heylownine: Three Dots.
heylownine: Cobra's Fang, garnish.
heylownine: Missionary's Downfall. Potentially mine as well.
heylownine: Trader Vic's PDX bar
heylownine: Your Alibi.
heylownine: Moai all the way down.
heylownine: eleP elaH
heylownine: 151 Swizzle. Right cup, right straw. Just right.
heylownine: Headed home. And now landed.
heylownine: The view from Portland's Hawthorne Bridge
heylownine: Hale Pele panorama
heylownine: Rumpus Room meets Hale Pele
heylownine: Moai racks
heylownine: The Alibi
heylownine: The Alibi
heylownine: Alibi sign
heylownine: Alibi sign
heylownine: Alibi front door
heylownine: Alibi interior
heylownine: Alibi interior
heylownine: Alibi interior
heylownine: Barware
heylownine: Chinese oven
heylownine: Booths