heylownine: Base Camp
heylownine: Waist Deep
heylownine: Three Tree
heylownine: Icicles
heylownine: Barely tolerating
heylownine: A-frame service
heylownine: Snow motion
heylownine: Bishop Bread Stop
heylownine: Gear, gear, gear
heylownine: Over Sesame Street East and Disco Park
heylownine: On top of 12
heylownine: Hello from the top of 12
heylownine: Gazing at New Critters
heylownine: Funny, it doesn't seem so steep from here
heylownine: A steep double
heylownine: A signal
heylownine: Wide open
heylownine: Us on St. Moritz
heylownine: Stump Alley Express, bottom
heylownine: Bored yet?
heylownine: Gondola ride
heylownine: Next stop, McCoy Station
heylownine: Passing over thunder bound
heylownine: Open space
heylownine: Open space
heylownine: Debris Field
heylownine: The Sierras, from a gondola
heylownine: You're going where?
heylownine: Xmas tree at the Mammoth Village