heyitsRachel: Roses are neato.
heyitsRachel: Justine and I
heyitsRachel: Arianna and I
heyitsRachel: Texas Plaque
heyitsRachel: USA Plaque
heyitsRachel: Sam Houston at the library
heyitsRachel: View down the middle
heyitsRachel: Texas Peace Officers' Memorial
heyitsRachel: The State Library
heyitsRachel: Floor of the Capitol
heyitsRachel: Mr. Policeman didn't want his picture taken
heyitsRachel: Stuck in a phonebooth
heyitsRachel: Ceiling of the Capitol
heyitsRachel: Statue outside the Capitol
heyitsRachel: The Capitol building in Austin, Texas
heyitsRachel: Bird Bath
heyitsRachel: It's so heavy!
heyitsRachel: Oh lookie there!
heyitsRachel: Arianna feeding a squirrel! lol
heyitsRachel: 1910 Ford Model T
heyitsRachel: Oval Office replica
heyitsRachel: Me and some creepy wax men
heyitsRachel: Space Food from the LBJ Museum!
heyitsRachel: Cold Towne Theater
heyitsRachel: The State Capitol
heyitsRachel: Damnit Justine stop pooping on the table!
heyitsRachel: In Austin after the improv show