Catcher In My Eye: A Blue Jay in the Snow
Catcher In My Eye: A Junco in the snow
Catcher In My Eye: Cardinals & a Junco at the Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: Red Bellied Woodpecker
Catcher In My Eye: A Junco at the Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: Red-bellied Woodpeckers
Catcher In My Eye: A Cardinal Weathers the Snow at the Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: Red- Bellied Woodpeckers during Snow Storm
Catcher In My Eye: A Cardinal & Sparrow Share the Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: A Female Cardinal in the Snow
Catcher In My Eye: A Junco at our Bird Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: A Male Cardinal in the Snow
Catcher In My Eye: Edmond Oklahoma Snow
Catcher In My Eye: A Cardinal & Sparrows at a Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: Framed Geese
Catcher In My Eye: The Geese Go Marching!
Catcher In My Eye: Geese marching
Catcher In My Eye: Lookout Goose
Catcher In My Eye: Make Way for Geesejpg
Catcher In My Eye: Marching to Swim
Catcher In My Eye: The End of the Linejpg
Catcher In My Eye: 7/52 Framed
Catcher In My Eye: P1330617_Snapseed
Catcher In My Eye: Home Sweet Tree
Catcher In My Eye: Cardinal at the Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: Red Bellied Woodpecker at the Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: Housefinch at the Feeder
Catcher In My Eye: P1330346_Snapseed
Catcher In My Eye: P1330355_Snapseed