hexapetala: I shall not ... eat the turnips!
hexapetala: Exclusive
hexapetala: Wrong turn
hexapetala: Okay, uh... Don't move. Okay, all right. So, I've got an idea, but it is bloody dangerous. Here we go.
hexapetala: let them eat Legos
hexapetala: I seem to be missing something...
hexapetala: Curiosity and the Orbital Sander
hexapetala: "Watch out Kai!"
hexapetala: sneak thieves playing poker
hexapetala: Hello. Goodbye.
hexapetala: totem
hexapetala: tilting at windmills
hexapetala: Have fun stormin' the castle!
hexapetala: eastern light
hexapetala: Dooku's droids
hexapetala: picking up the pieces
hexapetala: Rockefeller Center Under Wampa Attack!
hexapetala: the view from here
hexapetala: lego-a-thon
hexapetala: late night snack
hexapetala: dinosaur, sur la table
hexapetala: reading the map
hexapetala: Step 1: discover mummy in sarcophagus
hexapetala: x-wing
hexapetala: bottle cap sledding
hexapetala: LEGO Iron Photographer: the movie
hexapetala: The 1.15 Ostrich Race at Newmarket