hewy: Heather & Chuck at Jake & Emily's wedding
hewy: The kids dance the night away
hewy: Heather with Jonathan & Emma
hewy: The Fee siblings: Chuck, Doug, DeAnna, Patrick, & Mark
hewy: Emily & Jake cutting of the cake
hewy: Baeckel family lunch at Nala's
hewy: Amy & Heather celebrate H passing the FSOA
hewy: Sienna tries to share with Nala
hewy: Heather & Chuck vegan Indian dinner with Carly and Wissam
hewy: Heather, Jennifer, & Patrick Out on the Town
hewy: Reunited with Kuwait & Cairo friends
hewy: Prepping for the Foreign Service Oral Exam
hewy: Heather indulges in fried clams
hewy: Mt. Hood from the Columbia River
hewy: Wild rose in Vancouver, WA
hewy: Wild rose in Vancouver, WA
hewy: Heather got a haircut!
hewy: Haystack Rock in the Afternoon Sun
hewy: Mindy, Richard, Carolyn, & Heather at Cannon Beach
hewy: Heather & Chuck at Haystack Rock