hewy: Susie advises Heather
hewy: Heather, Susie, & Michael
hewy: Susie and Michael
hewy: Jerry's turtle tat
hewy: Ratt, Au, Heather, May & Jennifer
hewy: May & Heather
hewy: Ratt & Heather
hewy: Jennifer and Orestes
hewy: Marti, Ratt, Au
hewy: Tom & Safi
hewy: Kelly & Pete
hewy: Melissa, Barry, & Kim
hewy: Stacy & Boaz
hewy: Heather and Josh
hewy: Orestes and Patrick smile for the camera
hewy: Dan
hewy: Kate & Rita
hewy: Marti & Jennifer
hewy: We like to talk
hewy: Melissa
hewy: Boaz and Rolando
hewy: Gerry & Gail
hewy: May and friend and Chuck
hewy: Orestes & Kate
hewy: Still talking
hewy: Patrick enjoys the Lebanese pies
hewy: Michael at the dessert table
hewy: Au and Ratt
hewy: Stacy and Susie talking
hewy: Stacy and Susie caught on camera