Herve Kabla: The live tweets wall in #live11
Herve Kabla: Tweetdeck is a must among the Social Media Team
Herve Kabla: Bloggers, they say
Herve Kabla: Ok, let's make that call
Herve Kabla: Should I try to connect through the VPN?
Herve Kabla: Social media lunch
Herve Kabla: Social media lunch (opposite view)
Herve Kabla: Can you tell what THIS is really?
Herve Kabla: Minter & Kate
Herve Kabla: Hot coffee in Munich
Herve Kabla: Change of focus can help find the right solution
Herve Kabla: Coffre break under the german sun (hot)
Herve Kabla: Panelists from DSM and Vale
Herve Kabla: Dr Daniel Thorniley
Herve Kabla: Orange Business SVP Europe
Herve Kabla: She was here last year too
Herve Kabla: Bloggers prepare for blogging
Herve Kabla: Organic development at work
Herve Kabla: Yann played piano for several years
Herve Kabla: Munich from Sheraton 20th floor, 7:30AM
Herve Kabla: Poken face
Herve Kabla: IMG_2227
Herve Kabla: Blogger bus
Herve Kabla: 11pts in Munich airport
Herve Kabla: My god, she was eaten by a BMW
Herve Kabla: Walk/don't walk
Herve Kabla: My god, a huge BMW!
Herve Kabla: Do you recognize me?
Herve Kabla: Fadhila's blue socks in CDG
Herve Kabla: Fadhila should sell those socks online