NurseNerdy: The only acceptable way to start a roadtrip
NurseNerdy: Wee Poppies
NurseNerdy: Lupin
NurseNerdy: Foxglove (Digitalis)
NurseNerdy: Cristom Vineyard
NurseNerdy: Rows upon rows
NurseNerdy: That'll need to age a bit yet...
NurseNerdy: Munching
NurseNerdy: Tidy rows of nature
NurseNerdy: Poppy fluff
NurseNerdy: When that bud opens...
NurseNerdy: Friendly neighbourhood pollinator
NurseNerdy: Not so into it
NurseNerdy: Gettin there
NurseNerdy: The only good photo of us to date
NurseNerdy: Bethel bower?
NurseNerdy: The entrance to Mystic
NurseNerdy: Azalea anyone?
NurseNerdy: Kind of an 'Enh!'
NurseNerdy: Obviously that barrel offended him
NurseNerdy: Chillin'
NurseNerdy: Not exactly as fierce as a grizzly
NurseNerdy: There's an orangutan somewhere in this photo...
NurseNerdy: Pollination, you're doin' it wrong.
NurseNerdy: Columbine
NurseNerdy: Messy lookin' kid.
NurseNerdy: Quite malodorous
NurseNerdy: Penguin posterior
NurseNerdy: Oh so happy