SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Medallion 1979
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Star Of Bethlehem 1900 Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt North Carolina Lily Wih Le Moyne Star 1855 New York
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Medallion 1895 New Jersey
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt Pineapple 1860-1870 New Jersey
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt Pot Of Flowers 1870 Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt North Carolina Lily 1850
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Star Of Bethlehem 1870 Massachusetts
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Feathered Star With Flying Geese 1860
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Pine Trees 1930
SurrendrDorothy: Stencil Spread Medallion 1825 New England
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt Pot Of Flowers 1930
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quillt Union Square 1920 Ohio
SurrendrDorothy: Applique Quilt 1890 Kentucky
SurrendrDorothy: Applique Quilt 1865 Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Lone Star 1930
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Star Burst 1940 Michigan
SurrendrDorothy: Applique Album Quilt 1930 Hartford Connecticut
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Split Bars Amish 1925 Lancaster Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Log Cabin Courthouse Steps Mennonite 1875
SurrendrDorothy: Applique Quilt Noah's Landing 1974 Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Crib Quilt Le Moyne Star 1840-1850
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Medallion 1880-1890 Maine
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt Whig Rose 1855 New England
SurrendrDorothy: Applique Quilt Trees & Garlands 1930 Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced Quilt Medallion Pinwheel Border 1850-1860
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt Stars & Blossoms 1870 Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Stencil Spread Pot Of Flowers 1825-1835 New England
SurrendrDorothy: Pieced & Applique Quilt Touching Stars 1870 Pennsylvania
SurrendrDorothy: Applique Quilt Flowers & Grapes 1900 Pennsylvania