heronpreston: Going for gold
heronpreston: I'm on the Blueprint Cleanse. day 2, juice 4. Going strong. It ends tomorrow.
heronpreston: Guilty by association
heronpreston: Yeezy angels
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heronpreston: Pic nic in paris. My new favorite park, buttes chaumont
heronpreston: Olivier purple people eater.
heronpreston: Le baron, Cannes
heronpreston: Daft punk
heronpreston: Yeezy don't hurt Uhm!
heronpreston: Reaching for the stars
heronpreston: Going HAM with the crew at the kanye show
heronpreston: Tatyana. Cannes crew!
heronpreston: 360 degrees of more swag. Pharrel. Ye. Theophilus. I see u!
heronpreston: My lovely sister Sedi. Cannes. Kanye performance
heronpreston: Turn it up!!
heronpreston: I got 2 white Russians but we also need some drinks!
heronpreston: Muhammad al anwar Preston
heronpreston: have you seen her, seen her?
heronpreston: Family
heronpreston: Yayyyyyy! Check my Beavis and butthead giggle at the end.
heronpreston: We're getting there!
heronpreston: 360 degrees of SWAG!
heronpreston: "only French girls can pull that off"
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heronpreston: philladelphia has some pretty rad tattoos.