HERO Makers:
Sun streaming the dew covered window (Artsy photo)
HERO Makers:
Keying up the worship
HERO Makers:
Wonder who's backpack this is?
HERO Makers:
It glows in the dark....
HERO Makers:
Reading the word
HERO Makers:
The Leachner Clan
HERO Makers:
Still have to carry the baby...
HERO Makers:
Checking for level...
HERO Makers:
I'm just gonna pose...
HERO Makers:
HERO Pullups
HERO Makers:
Man it's high up here...
HERO Makers:
Anybody need anything while I'm out???
HERO Makers:
I wish they measured these the first time...
HERO Makers:
New rafter rat...
HERO Makers:
New to the Newer
HERO Makers:
HERO Makers:
HERO Makers:
Singing in the shower...
HERO Makers:
Well insulated
HERO Makers:
What is that?
HERO Makers:
It's a bird...
HERO Makers:
It's a plane
HERO Makers:
It's a UFO...
HERO Makers:
Where does the air hose connect?
HERO Makers:
Only Tony can reach this high
HERO Makers:
We've been looking for you guys for thirty minutes!!!
HERO Makers:
Pulling nails...
HERO Makers:
Tough as nails...
HERO Makers:
Nail it
HERO Makers: