HERO Makers: Bob with the daily devotional
HERO Makers: Pilar de Esparanza Children's Home
HERO Makers: Mama and her piglets
HERO Makers: The HEROMakers Tool Trailer
HERO Makers: John and Johnny
HERO Makers: Pilar Director Sara looking at the progress
HERO Makers: Crew working hard
HERO Makers: John and Terry working the grill
HERO Makers: You guys are giving Bob a headache!
HERO Makers: Shane, Chris and Terry
HERO Makers: Oh, we blew out the water pump
HERO Makers: Stongest man competition...Shane dueling John
HERO Makers: Patrick preparing to sand.
HERO Makers: Scott mudding
HERO Makers: Danny working hard
HERO Makers: John providing a demonstration
HERO Makers: Brian and Dan
HERO Makers: Jerry...now there's a picture of someone working!
HERO Makers: Kevin loves to mud
HERO Makers: The 2 most photographed HEROMakers
HERO Makers: You can't be tired already
HERO Makers: Darrell
HERO Makers: Looks staged...
HERO Makers: Chris thinks so...
HERO Makers: Danny getting instructions
HERO Makers: Looks like they are working in a detention center