Hero32: kfc 13th
Hero32: 海/The sea,my friends and me
Hero32: Rainbow
Hero32: 1057931081
Hero32: 長相超卡通的蜘蛛
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Cheer squad 2008
Hero32: Sunrise (in TCFSH)
Hero32: 令人害羞的背景(主角→幾摳)
Hero32: 風車公園
Hero32: Sky in NKNU
Hero32: 031
Hero32: To see to believe
Hero32: _DSC0103-1
Hero32: Smoke~
Hero32: _DSC0091-1
Hero32: _DSC0093-1
Hero32: M3 024
Hero32: Light
Hero32: Warm-up
Hero32: bf013
Hero32: B&W Day _002
Hero32: B&W Day _001