hern42: GR10 redux trip - Old pretty house
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Panorama close by Le Perthus
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Early morning day #2
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Nope, none shall pass!
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Looking towards Spain
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Some rocks
hern42: GR10 redux trip - The not-achieved goal
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Straight into the fog
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Aaw crap!
hern42: Landscape with bathtub and shed
hern42: GR10 redux trip - ...
hern42: GR10 redux trip - ...
hern42: GR10 redux trip - None shall pass!
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Bad omen
hern42: GR10 redux trip - Starting point
hern42: lon ma Moto pimeja.
hern42: ...
hern42: Windmill blues
hern42: Self portrait
hern42: Windmill browns
hern42: X
hern42: Fitou
hern42: Windmills selectively lit
hern42: Windmill greys
hern42: Camera embarquée
hern42: Bridge over Millau
hern42: 2.Pa-no-la-ra-dru-ma
hern42: ...
hern42: Burned negative... wait! it's digital...
hern42: My bet is on the cow...