hermitsmoores: munchers
hermitsmoores: warning!
hermitsmoores: trapped under
hermitsmoores: big rubber
hermitsmoores: flaps down
hermitsmoores: parked for a ride
hermitsmoores: apparatus
hermitsmoores: intrigued
hermitsmoores: stacked
hermitsmoores: no feet
hermitsmoores: nailed post
hermitsmoores: metal teeth
hermitsmoores: voyeur
hermitsmoores: tri - unicycles bw
hermitsmoores: tri - unicycles
hermitsmoores: restin'
hermitsmoores: tanked chems
hermitsmoores: gravity doing the work
hermitsmoores: abandoned but not
hermitsmoores: stretching land
hermitsmoores: the backyard
hermitsmoores: fade into industry
hermitsmoores: orange massey
hermitsmoores: exploring farm country
hermitsmoores: blowing in the still wind
hermitsmoores: pile o cabbage
hermitsmoores: adopt a street
hermitsmoores: makeshift cookery
hermitsmoores: worship
hermitsmoores: plowed