HermannFalkner/sokol: Bucklige Welt and Arabichl, Wechsel (47°33' N 15°54' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Picea abies - habitat (47°33' N 15°54' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Arabichl, Wechsel (47°33' N 15°54' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Schneeberg seen from Wechsel (47°33' N 15°54' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Rax seen from Wechsel (47°33' N 15°54' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Stuhleck seen from Wechsel (47°34' N 15°52' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Wechsel massif - Spruce and Matgrass: Picea abies treeline forest + Nardetum strictae (Nardus stricta) (47°33' N 16°54' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Wechsel massif ravine forest (47°32' N 15°55' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Nardus stricta (47°33' N 15°54' E)
HermannFalkner/sokol: Polypodium vulgare (47°33' N 16°04' E)