hereticsun: IMG_0107
hereticsun: IMG_0108
hereticsun: IMG_0109
hereticsun: Designing our way through data
hereticsun: Designing our way through data 2
hereticsun: Designing our way through data 3
hereticsun: Designing our way through data 4
hereticsun: Designing our way through data 5
hereticsun: Getting your hands dirty with HTML5
hereticsun: Designing user interfaces: Details make the difference
hereticsun: Hot topics day 1
hereticsun: Professional front-end engineering 2
hereticsun: Professional front-end engineering
hereticsun: Building on the shoulders of giants
hereticsun: Building on the shoulders of giants 2
hereticsun: The why and which of javascript libraries 2
hereticsun: The why and which of javascript libraries
hereticsun: Communicating best practices
hereticsun: Simon
hereticsun: Patrick
hereticsun: Hot topics day 2