here gallery: Marks merchandise corner in the shop
here gallery: Marks merchandise corner in the shop
here gallery: View across the gallery
here gallery: geodesic print gocco thingys
here gallery: Mark stapling
here gallery: Badge For Life
here gallery: Badge For Life
here gallery: 'wear more badges' sticker mirrors
here gallery: 'wear more badges'
here gallery: Fast food badges
here gallery: old tape badges
here gallery: Property badges
here gallery: Overload ometer prints
here gallery: 'to do' post its
here gallery: 'nothing' poster
here gallery: 'agressive school of cultural workers' bag
here gallery: 'agressive school of cultural workers' customised levi jeans
here gallery: 'agressive school of cultural workers' tshirt
here gallery: 'I love free stuff' corner
here gallery: sugar packets
here gallery: sugar packets
here gallery: sugar packets
here gallery: 'to do' lists