here gallery: Hat making and Missy Kulik art
here gallery: hat making and Missy Kulik art
here gallery: Hat making and Missy Kulik art
here gallery: chocolate!
here gallery: Pass the parcel and Missy Kulik art
here gallery: Entry into the hat competition
here gallery: Prize for winning hat competition
here gallery: Blurry Missy Kulik zines and pouches
here gallery: Blurry Missy Kulik drawings all in a line
here gallery: hat competition
here gallery: detail from one of the hats
here gallery: hat competition winner (Sarah Neuburger art in background)
here gallery: Hat competition entrants
here gallery: hat competition winner (with Sarah Neuburger art in background)
here gallery: Missy Kulik cloud and raindrops
here gallery: Hat making and Missy Kulik art
here gallery: Opening night
here gallery: Missy Kulik drawings
here gallery: Camilla adjusting Sarah Neuburger work
here gallery: The Small Object
here gallery: DSCF2357
here gallery: DSCF2358
here gallery: Sarah Neuburger thumbprints
here gallery: Missy Kulik Apples
here gallery: Sarah Neuburger print paintings
here gallery: Sarah Neuburger print paintings