herecomeslucy: Straphanging through Europe
herecomeslucy: The view from my porthole in Amsterdam
herecomeslucy: All yellow
herecomeslucy: Antwerpen Centraal
herecomeslucy: Endless tea trolleys
herecomeslucy: A train from the train
herecomeslucy: We file off the train at Brussels
herecomeslucy: Offering roadshare, at Brussels train station
herecomeslucy: Belgium
herecomeslucy: Transeurope ticket desk now closed.
herecomeslucy: London Victoria coach station, waiting to buy tickets
herecomeslucy: Priority order
herecomeslucy: Romany on deck
herecomeslucy: Gypsies, like all of us
herecomeslucy: Posing on deck
herecomeslucy: Ireland in sight
herecomeslucy: The ferry
herecomeslucy: At Bus Aras, Dublin, my trusty travel companions
herecomeslucy: An Iranian man, on his way home to Texas, using my suitcases as a table
herecomeslucy: The Stranded, wait at midnight, to begin the long journey home
herecomeslucy: Tired and waiting
herecomeslucy: Filing down the stairs
herecomeslucy: He sat in the passport photo booth because that was the only place left to sit
herecomeslucy: There was some confusion somewhere in northern Germany
herecomeslucy: This lovely man from Heidelberg
herecomeslucy: The commuter train
herecomeslucy: Windmills
herecomeslucy: A cyclist commuter
herecomeslucy: This is how I knew we were in Germany