hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. View to the Long Mynd.
hercon2000uk.: The Devil's Chair, Stiperstones, Shrops.
hercon2000uk.: Stipertones, Shrops. Knoll's Farm.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Access track for wheelchair users from car park.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Yours truly & darkening clouds.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. View to Great Wood House.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. View to Corndon Hill.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. View north from The Rock.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. The Rock.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Nipstone Rock and my wife, Ronnie.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Near to Nipstone Rock.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones summit, Shrops.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones ridge, Shrops. The summit looking north.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones ridge, Shrops.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. The summit rocks viewed from the north cairn.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstoners, Shrops. Nipstone Rock.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Nipstone Nature Reserve signage.
hercon2000uk.: Nipstone, Stiper Stones, Shrops.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Nipstone summit.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Nipstone summit & yours truly.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. The Devil's Chair.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. View northeast to the Wrekin.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones. Shrops. The Devil's Chair rock formation.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. South end of the The Devil's Chair.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Tor like rock formations.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. View out from the summit cairn to the north.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. View looking south.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Llun y clawr summit rock, Manstone Rocks.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. Nipstone.
hercon2000uk.: Stiperstones, Shrops. The ridge around Manstone Rocks.