hercon2000uk.: 3 Antoninianus coins of Gallienus and Postumus. Obverses prior to conservation cleaning.
hercon2000uk.: 3 Antoniniani of Gallienus & Postumus. Obverses.
hercon2000uk.: 3 Antoninianus coins of Gallienus and Postumus. Reverses prior to conservation cleaning.
hercon2000uk.: 3 Antoninianus coins of Gallienus and Postumus. Reverses.
hercon2000uk.: Abbasid Caliphate. Mahammad Musa al-Hadi c.786-7AD. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Abbasid Caliphate. Mahammad Musa al-Hadi c.786-7AD. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Abbasid al-Mansur fals. Baghdad c.765/6AD. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Abbasid al-Mansur. Fals. Baghdad c.765/66AD. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Alexander The Great. Sil. tetradrachm c.323BC. Tarsus. Obv. Price 3034.
hercon2000uk.: Alexander The Great. Silver tetrachm of c.327BC. Tarsus. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Anastatius I. Byzantine. Copper Follis of 498-518AD. Obv. Ref. Sear 19.
hercon2000uk.: Anastatius I. Byzantine. Copper Follis of 498-518AD. Rev. Ref. Sear 19.
hercon2000uk.: Antigonos I. Monophalmos 310-301BC. Drachm. Abydos mint. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Antigonos I. Monophalmos 310-301BC. Drachm. Abydos mint. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Antoninus Pius As or dupondius? of c. AD 145 converted to a button! Obv. RIC III. 676.
hercon2000uk.: Antoninus Pius As or dupondius? of c. AD145. Obv. Button! RIC III. 676.
hercon2000uk.: Arabic brass costume coins. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Arabic brass costume coins. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Arabic coin spoon. Front.
hercon2000uk.: Arabic coin spoon. Reverse.
hercon2000uk.: Assorted coins presented for identification. A6. Egypt. Ptolomey IV. A7. Egypt. Philip Ist. Homonoia. A8. Gwalior. 1869. KM#143. Craig 59.
hercon2000uk.: Assorted coins presented for identification. A6. Egypt. Ptolomey IV. A7. Egypt. Philip I. Homonoia. A8. Gwalior, India. 1869. KM#143. Craig 59.
hercon2000uk.: Ayyubid Sultanate, House of Saladin. Fals of al-Zahir Ghazi c.1207-16AD. Aleppo. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Ayyubids Caliphate. House of Saladin. Fals of al-Zahir Ghazi c.1207-16AD. Aleppo. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Bactria. Indo-Greek sil. drachm of Menander I. Rev. Athena.
hercon2000uk.: Bactria. Indo-Greek silver drachm of Menander I. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Byzantine. Isaac II. Billon aspron trachy. Obv. Virgin & child. Seaby 2003.
hercon2000uk.: Byzantine. Isaac II. Billon aspron trachy. Rev. Seaby 2003.
hercon2000uk.: Byzantine. Maurice Tiberius 582-602AD. Copper follis of 599AD. Theoupolis mint. Obv. Seaby 533.
hercon2000uk.: Byzantine. Maurice Tiberius. Copper follis of 599Ad. Theoupolis mint. Rev. Seaby 533.