hercon2000uk.: Aachen, German States. Sil. 3 Mark 1754. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Aachen, German States. Sil. 3 Mark of 1754. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Andrea Dandolo, Doge of Venice. 1342-1354AD. Sil. mezzanino nuovo. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Andrea Dandolo. Doge of Venice. 1324-1354AD. Sil. mezzanino nuovo. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Angel coin weight of c.1632-42AD.
hercon2000uk.: Angel coin weight. St. Michael & dragon. Uniface. 1632-1642AD.
hercon2000uk.: Angel copper coin weight. St. Michael. Rev. 1632-1642AD.
hercon2000uk.: Anglo-Gallic 14th century crown jetton. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Anglo-Gallic 14th century jetton. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Athelred II. c.970's. Modern copy of gold piece. Bust & sceptre. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Athelred II. c.970's. Modern copy of gold piece. CRUX reversed.
hercon2000uk.: Belgium/Netherlands. Charles the Bold (Rash). 1468-74AD. Duke of Brabant. Silver double patard. Rev. Cross.
hercon2000uk.: Belgium/Netherlands. Charles the Bold (Rash). Duke of Brabant. 1468-74AD. Obv. Silver double patard. Burgundian arms. Minted in Bruges.
hercon2000uk.: Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight. Silver pennies.
hercon2000uk.: Charles I. Richmond farthing. Type 2. Contemporary forgery. Obv. Spink 3183B. Oswestry Castle 2018 excavations.
hercon2000uk.: Charles I. Richmond farthing. Type 2. Contemporary forgery. Rev. Spink 3183B. Oswestry Castle 2018 excavations.
hercon2000uk.: Charles I. double struck silver shilling. Obv. Ref. 134.
hercon2000uk.: Charles I. double struck silver shilling. Rev. Reference F134.
hercon2000uk.: Edward I. Groat. Canterbury Tales Visitor Attraction. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Edward I. Groat. Canterbury Tales Visitor Attraction. Rev.
hercon2000uk.: Edward III. Copy of the Great Seal. Obv. 1327AD.
hercon2000uk.: Edward III. Copy of the Great Seal. Rev. 1327AD.
hercon2000uk.: Edward III. Silver long cross penny issued between 1369-77AD. Archbishop of York. Spink 1651. Rev. Quatrefoil.
hercon2000uk.: Edward III. Silver penny issued 1369-77AD by the archbishops of York. Spink 1651. Obv. + on breast.
hercon2000uk.: Edward Ist. Obv. Silver long cross penny, 1279-1307AD. London. Spink 1384.
hercon2000uk.: Edward Ist. Silver long cross penny issued London 1279-1307AD. Rev. Spink 1384.
hercon2000uk.: Edward VI. silver shilling 1551-3. Rev. Spink 2482.
hercon2000uk.: Edward VI. silver shilling. 1551-3. Obv. Spink 2482.
hercon2000uk.: Elizabeth 1st. Silver sixpence of 1567. Spink 2562. Obv.
hercon2000uk.: Elizabeth 1st. Silver sixpence of 1567. Spink 2562. Rev.