herbrm: pigeon pizza
herbrm: Souvenir de paris
herbrm: shoe fun
herbrm: feat of engineering
herbrm: metro
herbrm: hotel flowers
herbrm: no moose allowed
herbrm: La Tour Eiffel
herbrm: a single umbrella
herbrm: modern life is rubbish
herbrm: with an umbrella
herbrm: view from above
herbrm: stained glass
herbrm: the hordes ascend
herbrm: preparing a new display
herbrm: they only came to see this one...
herbrm: preparing to shoot
herbrm: searching for a masterpeice
herbrm: the weight of the world
herbrm: you talking to me?
herbrm: Musee du Louvre
herbrm: big wheel keep on turning
herbrm: through the mist and rain
herbrm: room service
herbrm: bird flying high, you know how I feel
herbrm: maison de la truffle
herbrm: cleopatra's needle
herbrm: macarons everywhere
herbrm: cleared for take off
herbrm: DSC03904