herbrm: vapour
herbrm: city guardian
herbrm: Christ Church Greyfriars
herbrm: waiting #1
herbrm: waiting #2
herbrm: photographic chit chat
herbrm: bad hair day
herbrm: up, up and on the way
herbrm: golden top
herbrm: paternoster spire
herbrm: James Hewers
herbrm: ordinary londoners
herbrm: rememberance
herbrm: Heroic self sacrifice
herbrm: cold carp
herbrm: whoh there horsie
herbrm: Wesley memorial
herbrm: where to?
herbrm: big yellow crane
herbrm: parish boundries
herbrm: dangerous pedestrians
herbrm: spire St Laurence Jewry
herbrm: IMG_4637
herbrm: approaching st Pauls
herbrm: roman road
herbrm: finishing touches
herbrm: IMG_4645
herbrm: IMG_4647
herbrm: east of St Pauls
herbrm: strata behind tate modern