herbe_d: wild and woolly in Waiblingen
herbe_d: wild and woolly in Waiblingen
herbe_d: wild and woolly in Waiblingen
herbe_d: wild and woolly in Waiblingen
herbe_d: wild and woolly in Waiblingen
herbe_d: wild and woolly in Waiblingen
herbe_d: Ziegenwanderung Walliser Schwarzhals-Ziegen
herbe_d: Unser kleiner Bock...A very curious little one!
herbe_d: Unser kleiner Bock: Walliser Schwarzhals-Ziegen
herbe_d: The kids get a kiss form the baby billy goat!
herbe_d: Kids enjoying the beautiful alpacas
herbe_d: Alpaka Pepe: Der Chef der Bande
herbe_d: The left sheep is shorn, the right sheep is not shorn:Die Walliser Schwarznasenschafe
herbe_d: They love to eat! : Die Walliser Schwarznasenschafe
herbe_d: A very funny head shape!: Die Walliser Schwarznasenschafe
herbe_d: Very Curious sheep: Die Walliser Schwarznasenschafe
herbe_d: Joy's new little darlings!!!! : Die Walliser Schwarznasenschafe
herbe_d: The flowers are just starting to blossom!
herbe_d: Sketching at Joy's farm was very fun!
herbe_d: A beautiful black Andalusian stallion!
herbe_d: Claudia is having a very nice time with her goats!
herbe_d: Okay, snack time is over...back out to pasture!
herbe_d: Awwww the sunset is soothing and relaxing!
herbe_d: The goats love to chew on tree bark!
herbe_d: Claudia with the first born of the year!
herbe_d: Claudia loves to pet the little new born goats!
herbe_d: Dinner time and the goats come galloping from the field!
herbe_d: Valais Blacknose Sheep from Switzerland: Grazing on fresh grass is the best thing a sheep can do!
herbe_d: Mia, the most adorable Valais Blacknose Sheep in the world!
herbe_d: We loved making our sheep look just like the one's that were running around our felting table!