herbe_d: The beautiful enterance to the museum
herbe_d: handmade arrows
herbe_d: Handmade bows
herbe_d: The courtyard of the castle
herbe_d: knights armor in the museum
herbe_d: A very old metal hand in the museum.
herbe_d: Karle and Helme explaining how Arrow Fix works!
herbe_d: Our neighbor at the trade fair with targets
herbe_d: An old painting in the enterance hall
herbe_d: The coat of arms above the door
herbe_d: Entering the castle
herbe_d: The beautiful castle at Jagsthausen
herbe_d: Our stand at Jagsthausen hunt and sport gathering
herbe_d: Husband Helmut with his Arrow Fix tool
herbe_d: An old door lock
herbe_d: looking out from within
herbe_d: Love the little flag on the tower
herbe_d: Roman canalization!
herbe_d: Black knight with swords
herbe_d: an interesting insignia
herbe_d: An old black swan
herbe_d: 2 spoons and chain carved from one solid wood!
herbe_d: Discussing how to fix an arrow with the arrow fix tool
herbe_d: The Castle
herbe_d: Castle from outside
herbe_d: Bridge over the mote
herbe_d: Sweet flowering weeds
herbe_d: The Castle Tower
herbe_d: Beautiful traditional arrows
herbe_d: The Bow Maker