herbe_d: First Day and our first visitors!
herbe_d: Back at our tent
herbe_d: paint my face please!
herbe_d: sunset at Burg Stettenfels
herbe_d: Felting and Chain Making
herbe_d: Me and my old lindworm-dragon
herbe_d: Felix loves this old car and I love my new felted swirl nuts
herbe_d: The boys love the green troll Gargamooth!
herbe_d: Around the grounds
herbe_d: The boys working! Dragon Fun
herbe_d: A nice couple I met along the way
herbe_d: Our Puppet Friend Ragnar
herbe_d: A Good Evening Bath
herbe_d: Best Room in the Castle Stettenfels
herbe_d: Raise your Glass...Cheers
herbe_d: The Glass Room
herbe_d: Computer inspired Glass
herbe_d: Bowina
herbe_d: blacksmith crew
herbe_d: Man in the leather skirt and his cool stand
herbe_d: The Fun Corner
herbe_d: Funny Frog Heads
herbe_d: Beautiful felted hats from Almut Siedler
herbe_d: The blacksmith hammering
herbe_d: The blacksmiths daughter swinging poi balls
herbe_d: Natural Cosmetic Stand
herbe_d: A smelling good stand
herbe_d: This is what MAY DAY is all about
herbe_d: What a wonderful arch
herbe_d: Our favorite stand!!! YUMMY Crepes