herbe_d: Preformed caterpillars!
herbe_d: WET HANDS!
herbe_d: Rolling Forward and Back
herbe_d: Relax Mom
herbe_d: Finally Finished....OR?
herbe_d: You Tell'em Baby!
herbe_d: Sueeze and rinse the soap out!
herbe_d: Let's sew some eyes on!
herbe_d: Hay...Who is bigger now?
herbe_d: Butterflies and Caterpillars get to go home
herbe_d: Smile for the Camera, you hungry caterpillars!
herbe_d: Our Book in German
herbe_d: Try out the Wool Carders
herbe_d: Material in a suitcase
herbe_d: Team Work Puppets
herbe_d: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
herbe_d: My Butterfly Prop
herbe_d: Sequins for the eyes!
herbe_d: Haus Der Familie in Winter