herbe_d: In The Beginning...it could have been a Goddess!
herbe_d: Collaboration Elaboration
herbe_d: Bench work on Goddess Arms
herbe_d: Felt Goddess Bodies
herbe_d: Felt Goddess
herbe_d: Goddess Creation
herbe_d: Goddess Creations
herbe_d: Goddess Collage
herbe_d: Opening at The Palace in Ludwigsbrug, Germany
herbe_d: Opening at The Palace in Ludwigsbrug, Germany
herbe_d: Heather Bryson's B-Square Gallery in Philadelphia, PA
herbe_d: Heating and Soldering
herbe_d: turning the metal different colors with heat.
herbe_d: Flame Throwin T-Bird
herbe_d: Burning Girl
herbe_d: Torching Tara
herbe_d: Jumbo Balls...COOL!
herbe_d: We made balls for the kids from the extra wool
herbe_d: Tara getting inspiration from earlier works of art.
herbe_d: Dreaming about my Goddess......
herbe_d: Buckeye kept Tara company at the bench.