her_purple_pixieness: Me - silly face...!
her_purple_pixieness: Phil's good face.
her_purple_pixieness: Kerr trying to be emo
her_purple_pixieness: Kerr trying to be emo.
her_purple_pixieness: Kerr trying to be emo.
her_purple_pixieness: Me being emo
her_purple_pixieness: Phil being emo.
her_purple_pixieness: Phil and me.
her_purple_pixieness: Greg and Crew
her_purple_pixieness: Chris and Phil
her_purple_pixieness: Holly and Kerr
her_purple_pixieness: Ross and Natalie
her_purple_pixieness: Penfold in my pants.
her_purple_pixieness: Greg and Chris