Hepzebah: Pat, Tom, Chris, and Dave H hard at work
Hepzebah: about to mount the inner chamber on the lid (over the detector mounts) for the first time
Hepzebah: first view of the inside of the mounted outer Tudragon chamber
Hepzebah: front view of detectors on mount
Hepzebah: detectors on mount
Hepzebah: detectors mounted and cabled
Hepzebah: alpha source being held in place with black tape
Hepzebah: bias cable for S2 shield ring
Hepzebah: garrotting hazard
Hepzebah: S2 shield test
Hepzebah: back view of S2 light-tight shield
Hepzebah: S2 shield test
Hepzebah: cabling for S2 shield test