henlorentzen: radich_2
henlorentzen: radich_1
henlorentzen: radich_3
henlorentzen: radich_4
henlorentzen: radich_5
henlorentzen: radich_6
henlorentzen: Started building.
henlorentzen: Started building.
henlorentzen: Still working on the main framework.
henlorentzen: Started on the hull. Waiting for parts.
henlorentzen: Having fun building the hull.
henlorentzen: Having fun building the hull.
henlorentzen: Working on the rear hull.
henlorentzen: Starting on the top deck
henlorentzen: Starting on the top deck
henlorentzen: Attaching the rear hull.
henlorentzen: Rear deck attached to hull. Instructions for the 24 sails.
henlorentzen: Rear deck attached to hull. Instructions for the 24 sails.
henlorentzen: Rear finished for now
henlorentzen: The middle bottom part of the hull.
henlorentzen: Attaching central part of the hull to the frame.
henlorentzen: IMG_6769
henlorentzen: IMG_6770
henlorentzen: IMG_6774
henlorentzen: Front deck finished.
henlorentzen: Sails-templates ready.
henlorentzen: radich_ldd1
henlorentzen: radich_ldd2
henlorentzen: radich_ldd3
henlorentzen: radich_ldd4