hjw3001: Ulrich and Ali preparing to dive
hjw3001: Ulrich preparing to dive
hjw3001: Sea Lion climbing onto the rocks
hjw3001: Sea Lion on the pier
hjw3001: Sea Lion looking stylish
hjw3001: Sailing Monterey Bay
hjw3001: Sea Lions on the rocks
hjw3001: Sea Lion enjoying the sun
hjw3001: Sea Lion family
hjw3001: Sea Lion family
hjw3001: Sea Otter and a Duck
hjw3001: Sea Lion
hjw3001: Sea Lion
hjw3001: Scuba Divers
hjw3001: Sea Otter on a dive float
hjw3001: Mini Coast Guard Boat
hjw3001: Sea Gull on fence
hjw3001: Pelican on sea wall
hjw3001: Lineup on sea wall
hjw3001: Wild Flowers
hjw3001: Whale
hjw3001: Whale
hjw3001: Whale