Henry Leong:
目的地: 動物園 Destination: Taipei Zoo
Henry Leong:
團團or圓圓 Giant Panda
Henry Leong:
熊貓公仔 Panda Decoration
Henry Leong:
轉轉&傑西 Eva&Jesse
Henry Leong:
鳥 Bird
Henry Leong:
鳥 Bird
Henry Leong:
動物 Animal
Henry Leong:
大象 Elephant
Henry Leong:
企鵝 Penguin
Henry Leong:
動物園合照 Photo of all people in Taipei Zoo
Henry Leong:
平溪國中合照 Photo of all people in Pingsi Junior High School
Henry Leong:
滿滿的愿望 Wishes
Henry Leong:
天燈準備好了 Sky Lantern is READY
Henry Leong:
天燈升空了 Sky Lantern blastoff
Henry Leong:
鞭炮天燈 Firecrackers Sky Lantern
Henry Leong:
老布在寫愿望 mdlp is writing his wishes
Henry Leong:
老布的愿望 Wishes of mdlp
Henry Leong:
轉轉的愿望 Wishes of eva
Henry Leong:
小灰在寫愿望 eisarain is writing her wishes
Henry Leong:
可可の愿望 Wishes of sakikazuki
Henry Leong:
小灰, 天燈 & 小政 eisarain, our Sky Lantern & q12312
Henry Leong:
傑西, 轉轉 & 天燈 Jesse, Eva & our Sky Lantern
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天燈準備升空 Ready for blastoff
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放天燈會場 Site of Sky Lantern Festival
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日本の主燈 Main Sky Lantern of Japan
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台灣的主燈 Main Sky Lantern of Taiwan
Henry Leong:
飛吧, 天燈! Fly, Sky Lanterns!
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天燈, 帶著璀璨夢想 Sky Lanterns, Carrying the Brightest Dream
Henry Leong:
天燈, 散播無限溫暖 Sky Lanterns, Spreading the Unlimited Warmth
Henry Leong:
天燈, 是夜空中最美的繁星 Sky Lanterns, Creating a Starry Sky