henriettevisscher71: I love these shoes!
henriettevisscher71: I cherish these books...
henriettevisscher71: orange; my color of joy
henriettevisscher71: I once was Sinterklaas....
henriettevisscher71: another oldy..
henriettevisscher71: my favourite mug.. by blond
henriettevisscher71: these shoes are NOT made for walking...
henriettevisscher71: got myself a pair of new boots!
henriettevisscher71: "I want to give women an artificial perfume," said Chanel. "Yes, I really do mean artificial, like a dress, something that has been made. I don't want any rose or lily of the valley, I want a perfume that is a composition."
henriettevisscher71: It's weekend!! :-)
henriettevisscher71: “Happiness is like perfume: You can't give it away without getting a little on yourself.”