Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals 1
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals 2
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: trying to hide ??
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Where did they go??
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: shadow-trail in snow
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: pony in mist...
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Deer Fawn found !
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: SO CLOSE and yet...
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: can you see me??
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: just forrest.....
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals 3
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: it just stod there, wired!
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals... birdfight
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals .. on flight
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals ..feeding!
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - defensive
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - bluish green.
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals... camouflage in water
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals ... alien-like!
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - Red Kite
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - fly
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - Swans..
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - Grey goose on flight..
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - nuthatch
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - titmouse
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive animals - Nuthatch
Henrik Bidstrup Jørgensen: Illusive Animals - Fox