FotoNing: The church [96/100]
FotoNing: Cold landscape [81/100]
FotoNing: Turning off the day [55/100]
FotoNing: Blue hour at the harbour [48/100]
FotoNing: Autumn road [35/100]
FotoNing: The silence of the forests [22/100]
FotoNing: The gulls and the fleet [17/100]
FotoNing: Shadows in the evening [13/100]
FotoNing: The last rays of sun [360/365]
FotoNing: Summer evening in Denmark [348/365]
FotoNing: Evening mood by the river.
FotoNing: Sunset at Krogshøj
FotoNing: Almost summer again
FotoNing: New carpet in the woods
FotoNing: Forest path
FotoNing: Reflections [57/100]
FotoNing: Blue hour at Tange kayak club [33/100]
FotoNing: Grey afternoon
FotoNing: Two coffee with sunshine, please.
FotoNing: The water is stiff [211/365]
FotoNing: Sunset by Hald [203/365]
FotoNing: Spring
FotoNing: Five minutes left
FotoNing: Silence and wave skvulp
FotoNing: Sunbeams in the forest
FotoNing: Gammel Estrup
FotoNing: Summer morning
FotoNing: The end of a sunny day
FotoNing: The kayak trip
FotoNing: Evening at the river