olga_rashida: a'rbayyat a'seer (Saftwagen)
olga_rashida: Süßer Kuskus
olga_rashida: a'rbayyat suduk (Wurstwagen)
olga_rashida: Woman waering heavy goods on her head
olga_rashida: Building in the Gumhurriya street Cairo (Egypt)
olga_rashida: Shrine with a mashrabiya in the Kahn al-Khalil in Cairo
olga_rashida: The pyramides at Giza, now an suburb of Kairo Egypt
olga_rashida: Street to the pyramids of Giza with camels
olga_rashida: Ahmad Shawqi monument in the parc near the Opera at Kairo, Egypt
olga_rashida: The "qiblah" of Al-Nur (The Light) mosque Al-Abseya on the Mubarak place in Cairo
olga_rashida: The Mosque on the Mubarak place in Cairo
olga_rashida: Muslim tomb in a shrine (see last photo) of Cairo
olga_rashida: Portal to an adjoining building of Al-Azhar
olga_rashida: Shrine of a holy woman (Habiba) in a mosque in Cairo, Egypt
olga_rashida: Window of a mosque in Cairo, Egypt
olga_rashida: Praying muslim in the crowded streets of Kairo
olga_rashida: Apartment houses in the Gumhurriya street Cairo (Egypt)