olga_rashida: The Sayyida Ruqayya Mausoleum seen from the Souk al-Hamadiyya
olga_rashida: Eingang
olga_rashida: eingang_kuppel
olga_rashida: minarett
olga_rashida: innenhof
olga_rashida: eingang_stern
olga_rashida: Inlaid work with precious stones in the wall of the courtyard
olga_rashida: Close-up of the inlaid work with precious stones in the courtyard of the Mausoleum Sayyida Ruqayya in Damascus
olga_rashida: inlaid work with precious stones in a recess of the Mausoleum Sayyida Ruqayya
olga_rashida: Close up of an inlaid work with precious stones in a recess of the Mausoleum Sayyida Ruqayya
olga_rashida: goldtor
olga_rashida: goldtuer
olga_rashida: torvignette2
olga_rashida: vignette3
olga_rashida: vignette_pfosten
olga_rashida: innenhalle
olga_rashida: kuppel_lampe2
olga_rashida: hallenkuppel_halb2
olga_rashida: rosetten
olga_rashida: Bogenrand
olga_rashida: betende
olga_rashida: Painted muqarnas in the Sayyida Ruqayya Mausoleum
olga_rashida: Painted muqarnas dome in the Sayyida Ruqayya Mausoleum
olga_rashida: kuppel_gross
olga_rashida: kuppel_halb
olga_rashida: rosette
olga_rashida: nische
olga_rashida: kuppel_blau
olga_rashida: rundkuppel
olga_rashida: stern_blau_rotb