henley404: Went to church
henley404: Pilgrim of the Camino
henley404: This is the Way after the wedding >
henley404: The pilgrim meal
henley404: Pentecost at St. Maria de Real
henley404: 11 degrees
henley404: The choir
henley404: We hear bagpipes!
henley404: In the cafe
henley404: Big mama pulpo!
henley404: Rio Najerilla
henley404: Heading out of Najera
henley404: Through wine country
henley404: Talking with fellow pilgrim
henley404: Fellow pilgrim
henley404: This is the Way >
henley404: After the rain . . .
henley404: Lunch break
henley404: Check the foot
henley404: Pilgrims rest at top of hill
henley404: Angel in RV
henley404: Angel at top of hill
henley404: 2 km to Santo Domingo de la Calzada
henley404: Bull fight tonight!
henley404: In the ring!
henley404: No room at the albergue