yksin: The fradulent use of a bus pass could land you in jail
yksin: Santa Claus came down to see the Iditarod start. (Teams staging on G Street just off 4th Ave in Anchorage)
yksin: Dog Tired Latte Special for Iditarod start at Side Street.
yksin: Laulu. Her name means "song."
yksin: Last night: Laulu watching Kuu climbing action.
yksin: HotHands handwarmers are being handed out by folks from alaskapublic.org's (KSKA, KAKM, APRN) Town Square 49.
yksin: Some of the dogs of Scott Janssen "The Mushing' Mortician"
yksin: Booting up.
yksin: Can we go already?
yksin: A happy something to come home to.
yksin: The morning cuteness
yksin: George Gee & Side Street have been Figaro'd! (By Le Figaro's "envoye special a Anchorage)
yksin: He's electing to. If you're in the vicinity, head over to Side Street for great music from Tom Begich.
yksin: Tom Begich. He sounds good, too.
yksin: Singing "Vincent," my favorite Tom Begich song. "Gotta have a vision / to carry you through..."
yksin: The Side Street Buddha
yksin: Laulu examines a draft of the Anchorage LGBT Discrimination Survey final report.
yksin: The kittens keep fighting over the report.
yksin: That was then...
yksin: ...this is now.
yksin: Waiting for the bus, along a characteristically well-maintained Fireweed Lane sidewalk (courtesy Alaska DOT)
yksin: Voted.
yksin: With Daphne DoAll LaChores @ Mad Myrna's.
yksin: Yes on 5 at Side Street
yksin: I love a sleepy Kuu purring on my chest, but it makes it hard to type. Or much of anything else, except enjoying her warmly napping on me.
yksin: Laulu checks out my new MacBook Pro I bought today after someone at Side Street accidentally tripped & tipped my glass of water onto my old black MacBook (which is tented open in hopes it will dry out for the next week & still work when I power it up agai
yksin: Call to Equality, 2 March 2012