yksin: At first I thought the kids in the wine-colored shirts were from Anchorage Baptist Temple -- but they're not
yksin: In fact, the kids in the wine-colored shirts are from a Baptist church in Colorado, being hosted by Anchorage Baptist Temple
yksin: These Colorado Baptist kids were bused over by Anchorage Baptist Temple to be used as billboards against equal rights in Anchorage
yksin: Here's an adult chaperone, possibly a youth pastor, from the kids' church in Colorado
yksin: This close-up of the adult chaperone's shirt identifies his affiliation with MABC's Youth Mission 2009. MABC stands for Mississippi Avenue Baptist Church of Aurora, Colorado.
yksin: So here are kids from Aurora, Colorado on a youth mission to Anchorage being bused to the Loussac by ABT to wave signs printed by Jim Minnery's Alaska Family Council
yksin: Needless to say, ordinance supporters weren't favorably impressed with kids from Colorado agitating against equal rights in Anchorage.
yksin: Baptist kids from Colorado being used as billboards for Anchorage Baptist Temple's antigay agenda
yksin: ... but ordinance supporters took notice.
yksin: Colorado Baptist kids being used as billboards against equal rights in Anchorage
yksin: Colorado Baptist kids being used as billboards against equal rights in Anchorage
yksin: The partially hidden sign seems to be inviting the Colorado Baptist kids imported by ABT to mind their own business.
yksin: MABC Youth Mission members singing at June 21 Anchorage Baptist Temple service
yksin: MABC Youth Mission members singing at June 21 Anchorage Baptist Temple service
yksin: Jerry Prevo thanks MABC visitors at June 21 ABT service
yksin: Jerry Prevo (left) talks with MABC youth pastor Bill Ingram (right) during June 21 ABT service
yksin: mabc2
yksin: June 17, 2009 public hearing at Anchorage Assembly