HLI-Photography: Sumpfmeise (Poecile palustris) - High-Key
HLI-Photography: Sumpfmeise (Poecile palustris)
HLI-Photography: A Hiding Magpie
HLI-Photography: Rumbling Robin
HLI-Photography: Canada Goose hiding in the high Grass
HLI-Photography: Turmfalke mit seiner Beute
HLI-Photography: Catch of the day in flight
HLI-Photography: Rotmilan (Milvus milvus)
HLI-Photography: Goldammer (Emberzia citrinella)
HLI-Photography: Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla) - Weibchen
HLI-Photography: Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula)
HLI-Photography: Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla)
HLI-Photography: Zilpzalp oder Weidenlaubsänger (Phylloscopus collybita)
HLI-Photography: Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo)
HLI-Photography: Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes)
HLI-Photography: Krickente (Anas crecca) - Männchen
HLI-Photography: Mandarinente (Aix galericulata) - Weibchen
HLI-Photography: Mandarinente (Aix galericulata) - Weibchen
HLI-Photography: Mandarinente (Aix galericulata) - Weibchen mit Kollegen
HLI-Photography: Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes)
HLI-Photography: Buchfink (Fringilla coelebs)
HLI-Photography: Kleiber (Sitta europaea)
HLI-Photography: Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula)
HLI-Photography: Bird Close-up - It's cold outside
HLI-Photography: Blaumeise
HLI-Photography: Rotkehlchen auf der Suche nach Nahrung im Schnee
HLI-Photography: Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes)
HLI-Photography: Invitation à la danse
HLI-Photography: Nice Blue Tit enjoying the winter sun