HLI-Photography: Schmuckkörbchen, Cosmea (Cosmos bipinnatus)
HLI-Photography: Schmuckkörbchen, Cosmea (Cosmos bipinnatus) mit Biene
HLI-Photography: ... and is passing quickly
HLI-Photography: Hasenglöckchen (Hyacinthoides)
HLI-Photography: Schneeglöckchen (Galanthus)
HLI-Photography: Schneeglöckchen (Galanthus)
HLI-Photography: Rosen Malve (Malva alcea)
HLI-Photography: Sunflower in the Blue Sky
HLI-Photography: Big Sunflower waiting for a Visitor
HLI-Photography: Blumenfeld in Kleinbettingen
HLI-Photography: Letzte Stärkung vor Herbstbeginn
HLI-Photography: Männliches Knabenkraut (Orchis mascula)
HLI-Photography: Purpur-Knabenkraut (Orchis purpurea)
HLI-Photography: Löwenzahn in Szene gesetzt-
HLI-Photography: Sumpf-Dotterblume(Caltha palustris, Ranunculaceae)
HLI-Photography: Spring is there ...
HLI-Photography: Strelitzie auf Teneriffa
HLI-Photography: Interesting glow effect on a tropical flower (Calliandra houstoniana)
HLI-Photography: Goldtrompete mit Regentropfen (Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea')
HLI-Photography: Grünspan Träuschling (Stropharia aeruginosa)
HLI-Photography: Fields of Gold
HLI-Photography: Sunflowers in blurry sunshine
HLI-Photography: Flower in Pink - Bitterwurz (Porzellanröschen)
HLI-Photography: Gelber Klatschmohn (Meconopsis cambrica)
HLI-Photography: Kletterrose
HLI-Photography: Kleiner Fuchs (Aglais urticae)
HLI-Photography: Hawkbit
HLI-Photography: Blowball
HLI-Photography: Pink Lipstick Heliconia
HLI-Photography: Lotusblume